Sunday, May 3, 2009


DG is not my real grandmother. She is just, in every aspect, all I could ever ask for in a grandmother. She's my mom's best friends mom. If that makes any sense. But for my whole life she's been my DG(designated grandmother).
Yesterday we went to her house so that my mom could plant her garden for her. It was such a beautiful day at her log cabin in the woods(she seriously does live in a log cabin in the woods. She and Poppy built it themselves in the 80s.)

Whilst there we decided that, because DG makes beautiful quilts, that we were going to make one together. I already have one from her from when I was 6 or 7, but it has unicorns on it. I love it and it's on my bed year-round, but like I said to her, I can't take unicorns to college with me. So we're going to make a new one! Here are the fabrics:

We spent the whole day outside, so I snapped a few pictures of Abbey, their dog, and a little froggy that I found in the garden.


  1. that's so sweet! i wish i could quilt. or knit or crochet for that matter. my mom crochets and she recently made me a pretty purply/pink afghan.
    have a good week!

  2. To tell you the truth, I have no idea how to quilt or crochet! I can sew and that's about it.
    That afghan sounds really pretty! I hope you also have a spectacular week. (:♥
