Monday, July 27, 2009


Early last week I bought myself a journal from Barnes & Noble. I'm really excited about writing in it because I've never actually had one specific place where I do my writing. So far I have a little introduction, one character profile, a little blurb from me, and 3/4 of another character profile. Sorry this is such a short and boring post "/ I've just finished camp and I'm really bummed. I'm going to miss all the friends I made and all the girls, they were so cute. Two weeks is not nearly enough.


  1. thank you thank you ! your journal looks so cute :]

  2. what's a character profile? does the journal have lines?

  3. I love buying new journals but it is a long shopping process because I am so picky about paper thickness, how the binding lays when open, if pictures will adhere easily with a glue stick, etc. I am an avid journaler so I am kind of neurotic about having a good journal. I love the one you got. It looks like something an explorer would have packed.

  4. I love writing journals, they're great to read back on :)
    and thanks, loads of people say that I sound just like Emma! ahaha
    and sure, I'll try to make you the outfit for tomorrow :)
    just wondering, I was going to make the outfit and take a picture of it, but can you hear the video well? Because if so, I can make a video for you :)

  5. yeah, I think everyone had the problem with volume, so pictures it will be!
